Articles of Potential Interest - National Birth Defects Prevention Network, Inc
Birth defects among fetuses and infants of US women with evidence of possible zika virus infection during pregnancy
Honein, M. A. Dawson, A. L. Petersen, E. E. Jones, A. M. Lee, E. H. Yazdy, M. M. Ahmad, N. Macdonald, J. Evert, N. Bingham, A. Ellington, S. R. Shapiro-Mendoza, C. K. Oduyebo, T. Fine, A. D. Brown, C. M. Sommer, J. N. Gupta, J. Cavicchia, P. Slavinski, S. White, J. L. Owen, S. M. Petersen, L. R. Boyle, C. Meaney-Delman, D. Jamieson, D. J.


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List Date: 01/26/17